Green Cleaning Services for Auto Dealerships

Outsourced green cleaning services are the perfect solution to address the challenges of management overhead and customer satisfaction for auto dealerships.

Green Cleaning Services Improve Auto Dealership Profits and Customer Satisfaction
Investing in high-quality green cleaning services and facilities maintenance is a low-cost, high-return investment that addresses two core challenges facing auto dealerships:

Customer and occupant/employee satisfaction, and;
The reduction of management overhead.

Janitorial Services Role in Operational Efficiency

Outsourced janitorial services can help improve your organization's operational efficiency through waste reduction, cost-effective purchasing, and procedural realignments.

Janitorial Services Role in Improving the Operational Efficiency of Schools and Businesses
The landscape of modern business requires a shift in thinking and a realignment of processes to remain competitive.

Janitorial Services Role in Tenant Acquisition and Retention

The quality of your facilities janitorial services has a direct impact on office tenant acquisition and retention.

The Role of Outsourced Janitorial Services in Office Tenant Acquisition and Retention
The cleanliness of managed facilities says a great deal about an organization to current and prospective tenants, who have a vested interest in providing safe and healthy working environments for their employees.

Green Cleaning Services and Infection Control in Schools

Green cleaning services address the challenges of infection control in schools, specifically where cross-contamination is a concern.

Green Cleaning Services and Infection Control for Educational Facilities
Cleaning and disinfection procedures in schools and daycare facilities face two ongoing challenges:

Cleaning while avoiding cross-contamination, and;
Disinfecting while avoiding the introduction of toxic chemicals into the local environment.

Green Cleaning Services for Hospital Floors

Green cleaning services are the ideal solution to prevent healthcare-associated infections derived from hospital floors.

Green Cleaning Services to Prevent Healthcare-Associated Infections From Hosptial Floors
In the past, research that delved into the role hospital floors plays in the transfer of germs and HAI had concluded that the risk of infection was relatively small.

Janitorial Services Tips to Prepare for Flu Season

Check out our latest green janitorial services tips and tricks to prepare your school or workplace for the upcoming flu season.

Janitorial Services Tips and Advice to Prepare Your Workplace for the Flu Season
With flu season just around the corner, it is time for facilities managers and custodial staff to assess their current cleaning strategies and adjust them accordingly to account for the increased need to disinfect high-contact surfaces.

Green Cleaning Services and Restroom Care

Green cleaning services address the numerous challenges facing facilities managers who are responsible for large, high-traffic restrooms.

Green Cleaning Services and Restroom Care for Facilities Maintenance
Advancements in scientific research and studies have provided workers, consumers, and parents with a wide array of easily digestible information regarding personal health, specifically where environmental factors play a role in the transfer of germs, as well as the short and long-term consequences of cleaners and disinfectants used to sanitize high-traffic/high-contact public spaces--chief among these, bathrooms.

Janitorial Services and Internet of Things Applications

Internet of Things (IoT) applications are changing the face of professional janitorial services and how they interact with and manage equipment and assigned spaces.

Janitorial Services and Internet of Things Applications for Facilities Management
As schools and businesses become more reliant upon reliable, up-to-date information to make decisions, facilities managers have turned to connected devices and cloud-based monitoring and reporting technologies to help them cost-effectively stay on top of their departmental responsibilities.