Cleaning Services – Tips to Clean Your Grill

Cleaning Services – Tips to Clean Your Grill

Professional cleaning services tips and advice to get your grill looking its best and ready for Labor Day!

Cleaning Services - Tips to Clean Your Grill - Fresno CA

Cleaning Services Tips for Your Barbeque Grill

Labor day is rapidly approaching, and that means one thing; time to get your barbecue grill ready for one last summer blowout!

Whether it's your annual get-together or an office mixer, you'll want to make sure your grill is ready to impress.

If you haven't used your barbecue in a while, you'll want to make sure it is sanitary, inside and out.

Here are some of our favorite tips to make sure your food tastes outstanding and keeps your guests coming back for more.


Barbecue Bacteria and Grill Germs

Hot sun and rancid grease, the ghosts of barbecue's past, are ripe breeding grounds for germs and bacteria.

Uncleaned ash remains on the bottom of charcoal grills will absorb moisture, which will contribute to mold growth and rust.

Gas grills left uncovered and uncleaned over the winter will develop the same problem, especially if left exposed to the rain.

Even seemingly clean barbecue's may hide enough bacteria to classify your grill as filthier than a toilet seat.

Germs commonly identified on barbecues are;

  • E.Coli
  • Listeria
  • Salmonella

All of these bacteria can cause severe gastrointestinal issues, especially in young children, and have been linked to multiple, preventable deaths in the U.S.

A study conducted by Hygiene Expert, Dr. Lisa Ackerley, for Jeyes Cleaning Products, investigated the grill surface of 1,400 participants.

What Dr. Ackerley discovered is enough to convert the most ardent of meat lovers into a vegan overnight.

On average, grill surfaces were found to contain;

  • 1.7 million square centimeters of bacteria, which is, roughly;
  • 124% more than the surface of a toilet seat.

That's nastier than it sounds given that;

  • Only 36% of respondents said they cleaned their grill more than twice a year.

For More Information:


Grill Cleaning Tips

An excellent way to keep your barbecue looking like new, and shorten up cleaning time, is to keep it covered with a manufacturer recommended grill cover.

When it does come time to clean, we recommend you avoid harsh chemical cleaners and take a green approach, inside and out.

First, get your cleaning gear together:

  • Old sponge
  • Grill brush
  • A bucket of warm water mixed with an equal part white vinegar and 1 Tbsp of baking soda per fluid gallon.
  • An empty bucket to dump waste and grease in.

Step 1 - Scrub cold grill with a metal brush and scraper.

Step 2 - Remove grill grates and scrub the bottom side.

Step 3 - If you're cleaning a gas grill, remove burner protectors.  If it is a charcoal barbecue, empty out the ashtray, or briquettes leftover on the bottom of the grill.

Step 4 - Clean burner protectors with a sponge and cleaning solution.

Step 5 - For gas and propane grills, use a damp sponge to clean the burners (we do not recommend removing the burners unless you are confident of the procedure and safety precautions).  For charcoal grills, use the sponge to sanitize the inside.

Step 6 - Use the grill brush to scrape charred grease remnants from the bottom of the barbecue.

Step 7 - Remove grease tray and clean with recommended green cleaning solution.

Step 8 - Discard and replace grease catch pan.

Step 9 - After returning all of the pieces, use the sponge to sanitize the outside of the grill, especially places where food or grilling utensils will be placed.

Step 10 - Heat up the grill for 20 minutes at 400 degrees to kill any remaining bacteria.

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Additional Tools & Tips

  • If you're at a location that does not have a clean, quality grill brush, use wadded up aluminum foil to scrub food and grease remnants from the grate.
  • For thorough barbecue part cleaning, use a handheld steam cleaner.
  • Consider using a block of oak wood instead of wire bristle brushes to avoid the health risks of metal winding up in your food.
  • If you do use a wire brush, cut an onion in half and run it over the grates to pick up any bristles that may have broken off.
  • To prevent food from sticking to the grates, coat the grill area with olive oil or non-stick spray formulated to work with the high heat and open flames of barbecues.



  • Always adhere to the manufacturer's cleaning guidelines and recommendations.
  • Follow all food handling safety practices.
  • Respect all fire prevention laws, especially in public locations.
  • Don't place aluminum foil over the grates of consumer grills; there is a chance of warping, as well as creating a fire hazard.
  • Avoid using metal bristle brushes, especially cheap ones, as the bristles may break off and create a health or choking hazard.
  • Do not use steam cleaning brushes, in particular on a hot grill.


A Note on Public Grills

The use of public grills creates an entirely new set of problems.

The grates typically have very large gaps between them, making it difficult to cook smaller cuts of meat.

Additionally, you can bet the barbecue hasn't been cleaned anytime recently.

For safety's sake; place aluminum foil over the top of the grates.

This will help prevent the transfer of char and bacteria to your food.

Punch holes in the foil with a fork to allow meat juices to flow down onto the coals.

Heat the grill for at least 20 minutes before placing food on the foil.

Coat the foil with high heat, non-stick spray.

For More Information:





With Labor Day rapidly approaching, now is the perfect time to get out and clean your barbecue.

Remember to stay safe and stay healthy.

If you would like to learn more about the benefits of professional cleaning services for your business, contact us today for a free quote!

In Bakersfield CA, call (661) 395-3009

In Fresno CA, call (559) 473-1790

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