
School Cleaning Needs Improvement

COVID-19 spotlighted classroom cleaning and disinfection protocols that ranged from highly inadequate to borderline dereliction and, based on current data, little that must have changed in the interim.

Current Issues With Classroom Cleaning and Disinfection Strategies
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, many poorly conceived and executed cleaning and disinfection strategies have been implemented.

Are You Cleaning Your Facility Enough?

Scientific facility cleaning--when, how, and with what--will reduce waste, prevent occupant exposure to corrosive chemicals, and improve overall cleaning outcomes.

Facility Cleaning--When, How, and With What
Environmental sanitation raced from a quiet place in the back of people's minds to the forefront of a seemingly endless and controversial battle against COVID-19.

Before the pandemic, facility cleaning (outside of healthcare environments) was primarily and incorrectly viewed as a necessary expense to maintain the visual appeal of a facility and keep bad smells in check.

Omicron Variant Cleaning and Disinfection

As alarms are raised regarding reported increases in Omicron variant infections, businesses wishing to maintain public trust will need to maintain high facility health and sanitation standards.

Omicron in California
The Omicron variant is confirmed in California, but it may have been here before the World Health Organization declared it a variant of concern or gave it a Greek letter designation.

Creating Lasting Impressions Through Clean Restrooms

Cleaning is a top priority for occupants and consumers returning to the workplace or in-person shopping, and few areas impact impressions, decisions, and health as much as the facility restrooms sanitation and hygiene.

Clean Restrooms a Top Priority for Returning Americans
Facility cleanliness remains a high priority for Americans returning to the workplace and in-person shopping.

National Handwashing Awareness Week

As more and more people return to pre-pandemic facility occupancy, one thing must stay the same--the commitment to ongoing high-quality hand hygiene and awareness to prevent the spread of infectious disease.

Handwashing as a Method for Disease Prevention
Good personal hygiene is paramount for addressing and preventing outbreaks and the spread of infectious diseases.

Workplace Cleanliness Should Take Priority Even After COVID

High levels of workplace cleanliness improve employee wellness, reduce absences, increase positive online sentiment, and establish an environment of wellbeing that is crucial for occupant productivity and job satisfaction.

Why Workplace Cleanliness Must Take Priority Well After the Pandemic
Workplace cleanliness has a direct impact on:

Occupant health and wellness.

Sustainable Office Cleaning Strategies

Sustainable office cleaning strategies extend beyond natural resource management to include reductions in hazardous material use and waste, improvements to indoor environmental quality, and protections for occupant health and wellness.

Hygiene Theater: How COVID-19 Improved the Case for Sustainable Office Cleaning
At the onset of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, a significant volume of hazardous chemicals was dumped haphazardly onto every conceivable surface, including skin and food, in an attempt to protect individual health and prevent the spread of infection.

The Importance of Health-Based Cleaning

Science-backed health-based cleaning and disinfection measures mitigate the spread of contagions by breaking the chain of infection, resulting in increased facility health and safety and occupant wellness and performance.

Surface Cleaning and Disinfection Disrupts the Contact Transmission of Infectious Disease
Infectious disease agents spread in one of four ways:

Airborne via inhalation.