The Ultimate Guide to Hiring Janitorial Services: What You Need to Know

The Ultimate Guide to Hiring Janitorial Services: What You Need to Know

Discover the transformative power of a meticulously clean space on your productivity and well-being with our ultimate guide to hiring the right janitorial services.

The Ultimate Guide to Hiring Janitorial Services What You Need to Know

Unlocking the Benefits of Professional Cleaning: An Introduction

Cleanliness and hygiene are pivotal in shaping the atmosphere of both professional and personal environments, impacting health, productivity, and first impressions.

In today's fast-paced world, maintaining these high standards of cleanliness can be a challenge, especially for busy offices, commercial spaces, and even at home.

This is where professional janitorial services come into play, offering tailored solutions to keep your surroundings pristine without adding to your daily tasks.

Our ultimate guide to hiring janitorial services is designed to navigate you through selecting the best cleaning service for your needs.

From making an informed decision and understanding pricing models to knowing precisely what to expect from your chosen service, we cover all the essentials.

By the end of this guide, you'll be equipped with the knowledge to ensure your space isn't just clean and promotes a healthy and productive environment.


Assessing Your Cleaning Needs

When considering janitorial services, the first step is to thoroughly assess your cleaning needs.

This assessment is foundational to ensuring that the service you hire can meet your expectations and provide a level of cleanliness that enhances your space's overall environment and safety.

Here's how to evaluate your needs effectively:


Evaluating Your Space

  • Size Matters: The square footage of your space directly impacts the scope of cleaning services required. Larger areas often require more time and resources to clean, influencing the cost and frequency of services.
  • Type of Space: Cleaning needs vary significantly across different environments. An office space, for instance, might prioritize dusting and vacuuming, while industrial spaces may require specialized cleaning for machinery or hazardous materials disposal. Residential spaces, on the other hand, might focus more on sanitization and general cleanliness.
  • Specific Cleaning Requirements: Every space has unique needs. This could include sensitivity to cleaning chemicals, the necessity for green cleaning practices, or specialized cleaning for areas like data centers or medical facilities.


Setting Clear Expectations

  • Defining Cleanliness Standards: Establishing what cleanliness means for your space is essential. This could vary from basic tidying and trash removal to deep cleaning and sanitization. Clear standards help avoid misunderstandings and ensure satisfaction with the services provided.
  • Identifying High-Traffic Areas: Common areas like lobbies, restrooms, kitchens, and conference rooms often see more use and, consequently, accumulate dirt and grime faster. These areas typically require more frequent and thorough cleaning to maintain hygiene and comfort.

By assessing your cleaning needs comprehensively, you can ensure that the janitorial service you choose perfectly aligns with your requirements, providing a clean, healthy, and welcoming environment for everyone who uses the space.


Types of Janitorial Services

Selecting the right janitorial service is crucial for maintaining the cleanliness and hygiene of your space.

Understanding the different types of services available can help you make an informed choice that best suits your needs.

Here's an overview of the primary janitorial services and guidance on selecting the appropriate service for your situation.


Overview of Janitorial Services

  • Daily Maintenance: This service is ideal for regular upkeep and is tailored to businesses and residences that require daily cleaning tasks, such as trash removal, vacuuming, and restroom sanitation. It ensures that your space remains clean and presentable on a day-to-day basis.
  • Deep Cleaning: Deep cleaning services go beyond the surface level, addressing areas not typically covered in daily maintenance routines. This includes cleaning behind appliances, washing walls, and detailed tile and grout cleaning. Deep cleaning is recommended periodically to maintain a high level of hygiene and extend the life of your premises.
  • Specialized Services: Depending on the nature of your space, you might require specialized cleaning services. This includes window cleaning, carpet and upholstery cleaning, floor stripping and waxing, and even disinfection services. These services are crucial for maintaining specific areas of your space requiring particular attention or expertise.


Choosing the Right Type of Service

  • Assess Your Daily Needs: If your space accumulates dirt quickly or is frequently used by many people, daily maintenance services might be essential to keep it clean and hygienic.
  • Consider the Long-Term: Even with regular maintenance, every space needs a deep clean occasionally to address areas that are easy to overlook daily. Schedule deep cleaning services periodically based on the traffic and use of your space.
  • Identify Special Requirements: Do you have high windows that need cleaning or carpets that see a lot of foot traffic? Maybe your floors require specific care? Identifying these needs will help you choose a janitorial service with the specialized services necessary to address them.

By understanding the different types of janitorial services available and carefully considering your specific needs, you can choose a service that keeps your space clean on the surface and maintains its overall health and aesthetics in the long term.


Researching Potential Janitorial Services

Finding a reputable janitorial service requires diligent research and verification to ensure that you entrust your cleaning needs to a reliable and competent provider.

Here are essential tips for navigating this process and key points on the importance of verifying credentials.


Tips for Researching Janitorial Services

  • Leverage Online Reviews: Online platforms can be a goldmine of information. Websites like Yelp, Google Reviews, and industry-specific review sites offer insights into other customers' experiences with specific janitorial services. Look for patterns in feedback related to reliability, quality of work, and customer service.
  • Seek Recommendations: Word-of-mouth remains one of the most trustworthy sources of information. Ask fellow business owners, neighbors, or friends about janitorial services they have used and would recommend. Personal experiences can give you a clear idea of what to expect.
  • Explore Local Business Listings: Local directories and business listings provide a comprehensive view of janitorial services in your area. These listings often include business profiles, services offered, and contact information, making compiling a list of potential providers easier.


Verifying Business Licenses, Insurance, and Certifications

  • Business License: Ensure that any janitorial service you consider is licensed to operate in your area. A valid business license is a basic indicator of a company's legitimacy and compliance with local regulations.
  • Insurance: It's crucial that the janitorial service has liability insurance and, if applicable, workers' compensation insurance. This protects you from liability for any accidents or damages that occur while the service is provided in your space.
  • Certifications: Certifications can indicate a janitorial service's commitment to industry standards and ongoing professional development. Look for certifications related to cleaning standards, green cleaning practices, and other relevant areas. These can include the ISSA Certification Expert (I.C.E.) or Cleaning Industry Management Standard (CIMS) certifications.

Researching potential janitorial services thoroughly and verifying their credentials ensures you choose a provider that meets your cleaning standards and legal requirements.

This due diligence lays the foundation for a successful and worry-free partnership.


Requesting and Comparing Quotes

Navigating the process of requesting and comparing quotes from janitorial services is crucial in finding a service that offers the best value for your needs.

This step lets you understand pricing structures and ensures you're not caught off guard by unexpected costs. Here's how to approach this effectively:


Requesting Quotes

  • Be Specific About Your Needs: When requesting quotes, provide detailed information about your space, including its size, the type of space (office, residential, industrial), specific cleaning requirements, and the frequency of service needed. This helps ensure the quotes you receive are as accurate as possible.
  • Request Quotes from Multiple Providers: To get a sense of the market rate and find the best deal, request quotes from at least three to five janitorial services. This variety gives you a broader perspective on what services are available and at what cost.
  • Ask for a Breakdown: Request an itemized quote to see exactly what services you're being charged for. This breakdown can help you compare services more effectively and ensures transparency in pricing.


Understanding Quotes

  • Services Included: Carefully review what each quote includes. Look for the scope of services provided, such as daily cleaning, deep cleaning, and any specialized services you may have requested. This ensures that the service meets all your cleaning needs.
  • Frequency of Services: Ensure that the frequency of the cleaning services (daily, weekly, monthly) is clearly stated in the quote. This affects both the level of cleanliness maintained and the overall cost.
  • Supplies and Equipment: Verify whether the quote includes cleaning supplies and equipment. If not, you may need to factor in the additional cost of supplying these.
  • Hidden Fees and Additional Charges: Look for hidden fees or potential additional charges not included in the initial quote. These can include charges for extra services, supply costs, or overtime rates for cleaning outside of standard hours.
  • Payment Terms: Understand the payment terms, including how payments are to be made, the payment schedule (e.g., upfront, monthly, after service completion), and any deposits or cancellation fees.

By following these guidelines, you can effectively request and compare quotes from janitorial services, ensuring you find a provider offering transparent pricing that aligns with your budget and cleaning needs.

This careful comparison helps make an informed decision and sets the stage for a satisfactory business relationship with your chosen janitorial service.


Evaluating References and Reviews

Choosing a janitorial service is a significant decision that impacts the cleanliness and health of your environment.

Evaluating references and reviews is a critical step in this process, providing insights into the reliability and quality of the service from those who have experienced it firsthand.

Here's how to approach this evaluation effectively:

The Significance of Checking References and Reviews

  • Gauge Reliability: References and reviews can reveal much about a janitorial service's reliability, punctuality, consistency, and ability to meet contractual obligations.
  • Assess Quality: Feedback from past and current clients can give you a clear picture of the service quality, including the thoroughness of the cleaning and the professionalism of the staff.
  • Understand Customer Service: Reviews can highlight how the company handles feedback, resolves issues, and communicates with clients, indicating their level of customer service.


Questions to Ask References

When contacting references, asking specific questions can help you gather the most useful information. Consider the following:

  • How long have you used this janitorial service? Long-term use can indicate satisfaction and reliability, while short-term use might require probing into reasons why.
  • Are you satisfied with the level of cleanliness maintained? This question gets to the heart of the service's effectiveness in meeting client expectations.
  • How does the service handle feedback or issues? Understanding how a company responds to concerns or criticism is crucial for anticipating your experience.
  • Is the staff professional and trustworthy? The demeanor and behavior of the cleaning staff are important, especially as they often work in personal or sensitive spaces.
  • Have there been any missed appointments or lapses in service? If so, how were these handled? This question helps assess reliability and the service's protocols for rectifying mistakes.
  • Would you renew your contract with them or recommend their services to others? A strong endorsement of satisfaction is a willingness to continue a business relationship or recommend the service to others.


Utilizing Online Reviews

  • Look for Patterns: While individual reviews can be biased, patterns in feedback can provide reliable insights into the service's strengths and weaknesses.
  • Recent Reviews: Pay special attention to the most recent reviews, as they are more likely to reflect the current state of the service.
  • Response to Reviews: Check if and how the janitorial service responds to negative reviews. A professional and constructive response can positively indicate their customer service approach.

Evaluating references and reviews thoroughly can significantly inform your decision-making process, ensuring you choose a janitorial service that is reliable and high-quality and aligns with your expectations and values.


Understanding Contracts and Agreements

Securing a janitorial service involves more than just agreeing on a price; it requires a clear understanding of the contract or agreement to ensure that both parties' expectations are met.

Here's what you need to know about the key components of a janitorial service contract and how to negotiate terms that align with your specific needs and budget.


Key Components of a Janitorial Service Contract

  • Service Details: This section should specify what cleaning tasks will be performed, including the scope of work (e.g., areas to be cleaned, specific tasks like trash removal or window cleaning), and any specialized services agreed upon.
  • Frequency of Services: Clearly defined schedules are crucial, outlining how often cleaning will occur (daily, weekly, monthly) and specifying any variations in service (e.g., deep cleaning schedules).
  • Costs and Payment Terms: The contract should detail the cost of services, including how fees are calculated (hourly, per service, flat fee), payment schedules, and acceptable payment methods. It should also clarify any circumstances that might lead to additional charges.
  • Supplies and Equipment: Determine whether the janitorial service will provide their own cleaning supplies and equipment. If specific products are required (e.g., green cleaning supplies), this should be included in the contract.
  • Termination Clauses: Understand the conditions under which either party can terminate the contract. This includes notice periods, any fees for early termination, and the process for discontinuing services.
  • Insurance and Liability: The contract should confirm that the janitorial service has adequate insurance coverage, including liability insurance and workers' compensation, to protect against potential damages or injuries.


Advice on Negotiating Terms

  • Prioritize Your Needs: Before negotiations, clearly identify your non-negotiables (essential services, frequency, budget constraints) and areas where you can be flexible.
  • Seek Customization: Don't hesitate to ask for a customized plan that suits your needs and budget. Many services are willing to tailor their offerings to secure a contract.
  • Discuss Long-Term Commitments: If you're considering a long-term relationship, discuss potential benefits or discounts that could apply. This can include price locks or added services at no additional cost.
  • Clarify Hidden Costs: Ensure all potential costs are discussed upfront. Ask about scenarios that could lead to additional charges to avoid surprises.
  • Review Termination Clauses: Understand the process and penalties for early termination. Negotiate terms that offer flexibility if the service doesn't meet your expectations.
  • Professional Review: Consider having a legal professional review the contract before signing. They can highlight any concerns and ensure the agreement protects your interests.

Understanding and negotiating the terms of a janitorial service contract is crucial in establishing a successful partnership.

By focusing on clear communication and ensuring all aspects of the service are thoroughly outlined, you can create a contract that meets your cleaning needs and budget constraints while fostering a positive working relationship with your chosen janitorial service.


Preparing Your Space for Janitorial Services

To ensure a smooth and efficient cleaning process, preparing your space for janitorial services is essential.

Taking proactive steps can help protect your valuables, facilitate access for the cleaning crew, and ensure that specific cleaning needs are met. Here's how to prepare your space effectively:


Securing Valuables and Sensitive Information

  • Personal and Valuable Items: Secure all personal valuables, such as jewelry, electronics, or personal documents, safely before the cleaning service arrives. This protects your items and helps avoid any potential misunderstandings or accidents.
  • Sensitive Information: For office spaces, ensure that sensitive documents are locked away and computer systems are secured. If necessary, communicate any areas that are off-limits or require special care.


Providing Access

  • Entry and Exit: Make arrangements for the cleaning crew to access the building and specific areas needing cleaning. This might involve providing keys, access cards, or entry codes. Ensure that security and authorized personnel are informed about the cleaning schedule.
  • Parking and Equipment Unloading: If applicable, arrange parking spaces or access for the cleaning service to unload equipment, especially for larger or specialized cleaning jobs.


Communicating Special Instructions

  • Special Cleaning Areas: Mark or list any areas that require special attention or have specific cleaning requirements. This can include sensitive equipment, delicate surfaces, or typically locked or restricted areas.
  • Cleaning Supplies and Equipment: If you prefer the use of specific cleaning supplies or equipment due to allergies, environmental policies, or personal preferences, communicate this in advance. Provide these supplies if the service does not offer them.
  • Preferred Cleaning Times: Discuss and agree on the best times for cleaning activities, especially if they need to occur during business hours or when the space is unoccupied. This helps minimize disruptions to your routine or business operations.


Establishing a Point of Contact

  • Designate a Contact Person: Having a designated contact person for the janitorial service facilitates communication, allows for quick resolution of any issues, and provides a go-to person for the cleaning crew if questions or concerns arise.

Preparing your space for janitorial services ensures that the cleaning process goes smoothly and helps build a foundation of trust and communication between you and the cleaning service.

By taking these steps, you can enjoy the benefits of a professionally cleaned space without any unnecessary complications.


Maintaining a Good Relationship with Your Janitorial Service

A successful and lasting partnership with your janitorial service is built on effective communication, mutual respect, and the ability to address and resolve issues professionally.

Here are tips for maintaining a positive relationship, ensuring the service consistently meets your expectations, and handling any disputes or concerns that may arise.


Ongoing Communication and Feedback

  • Regular Check-ins: Schedule regular meetings or check-ins with your janitorial service provider to discuss the service's performance, any changes in your cleaning needs, and feedback from both sides. This keeps lines of communication open and fosters a proactive approach to managing the service.
  • Clear Expectations: Continuously communicate your expectations regarding the cleaning standards and specific requirements. If your needs change, update the service provider promptly to ensure they can adjust their operations accordingly.
  • Constructive Feedback: Offer constructive feedback on the cleaning service's performance, highlighting strengths and improvement areas. Recognize good work and address any shortcomings in a positive and solution-focused manner.


Handling Disputes or Concerns Professionally

  • Document Issues: If issues arise, document them with specific examples and, if possible, photographic evidence. This documentation will be invaluable in discussions with the service provider to illustrate your concerns clearly.
  • Direct Communication: Address disputes or concerns directly with your janitorial service provider. Approach the conversation with a mindset geared towards finding a solution rather than assigning blame.
  • Seek to Understand: Before escalating an issue, understand the reasons behind the service shortfall or dispute. Misunderstandings or external factors may affect the service that can be resolved through discussion.
  • Agree on a Resolution Plan: Work with the service provider to agree on a plan to resolve any issues. This may include additional training for cleaning staff, changes in cleaning procedures, or adjustments to the cleaning schedule.
  • Review Contract Terms: If disputes continue, review your contract terms to understand your rights and the process for mediation or termination, if necessary. In cases where an agreement cannot be reached, it may be time to consider alternative providers.


Building a Partnership

  • Acknowledge Good Work: Regularly acknowledge and appreciate the hard work and dedication of the cleaning staff. Positive reinforcement can strengthen the relationship and motivate the service provider to maintain high standards.
  • Flexibility and Understanding: Be reasonable in your expectations and understand unforeseen circumstances or challenges the service provider may encounter. A flexible and empathetic approach can go a long way in maintaining a harmonious relationship.

Maintaining a good relationship with your janitorial service ensures a clean and healthy environment.

By prioritizing effective communication, offering constructive feedback, and handling any issues professionally, you can foster a strong partnership that benefits both parties and ensures your space remains impeccably maintained.



Finding the right janitorial service is not just about keeping your space clean; it's about ensuring a healthy, productive, and welcoming environment for everyone who uses it.

As outlined in this guide, the process emphasizes the importance of thoroughness—from assessing your cleaning needs and understanding the types of services available to evaluating potential providers and navigating contracts.

Taking a detailed and informed approach can avoid common pitfalls and establish a partnership with a janitorial service that meets your standards and needs.

This guide is a comprehensive roadmap designed to guide you through each step clearly and confidently.

Whether you're seeking daily maintenance, deep cleaning, or specialized services, the insights provided here empower you with the knowledge to make the best decision for your unique situation.

If you would like more information regarding the effectiveness of high-performance infection prevention and control measures, or if you would like to schedule a free, no-obligation on-site assessment of your facility's custodial needs, contact us today for a free quote!

In Bakersfield, CA, call (661) 437-3253

In Fresno, CA, call (559) 206-1059

In Valencia, CA, or Santa Clarita, CA, call (661) 437-3253

In Palmdale, CA, or Lancaster, CA, call (661) 371-4756

Vanguard Cleaning Systems of the Southern Valley

Vanguard Cleaning Systems of the Southern Valley