The Best Office Cleaning Tips of 2016

The Best Office Cleaning Tips of 2016

We put together a list of our best office cleaning tips and advice for 2016, check it out!

The Best Office Cleaning Tips of 2016 - Bakersfield CA

2016 Office Cleaning Tips Roundup

This year has been an outstanding one for us, and we are thrilled to have been able to bring our readers a wealth of cleaning tips for healthier schools, offices, and homes.

We've reviewed tips and advice for safely dealing with everything from bed bugs to the Zika virus, and we look forward to bringing you even more information in the coming year.

To make sure we end this year off right, we wanted to make sure we took the opportunity to review with you, our very best tips and advice to start the new year right.


Get Rid of Bed Bugs

2016 saw the near-epidemic rise of bed bug infestations throughout the United States.

The EPA has classified bed bugs as a Public Health Issues, stating;

Bed bugs are a public health pest.

While bed bugs have not been shown to transmit disease, they do cause a variety of negative physical health, mental health and economic consequences.

Among the negative health issues listed, some of the most severe reactions were;

  • Allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis.
  • Skin infections, including impetigo, ecthyma, and lymphangitis, and;
  • Mental health issues, including anxiety and systemic problems.

For More Information:


Get Rid of Bed Bugs


Bed bugs are, essentially, immune to consumer-grade pesticides, and the cost of commercial treatments are outrageous.

The quickest, least expensive, and safest way to get rid of bed bugs in your home, hotel, or office is to use a combination of steam, masking tape, and diatomaceous earth, or CimeXa.

See Also:


Clean the Coffee Pot

Studies have shown that a single sick person can infect half the individuals in an office within four hours without direct contact.

Germs and other bacteria are transferred via high-contact surfaces, such as door plates and handles, light switches, and common-use electronic devices, like phones, mice, and keyboards.

The first and most commonly infected high-touch surface is the break room coffee pot; more specifically, the handle.

Every time you and your caffeine-loving co-workers pour a cup of java, your hands touch a surface that’s crawling with germs – 34 times more than even a school toilet seat!

-The Truth About Office Germs


Clean the Coffee Pot

Image courtesy of


The best way to prevent the transfer of large amounts of infectious germs and bacteria to your coworkers is not to come into work sick.

Barring that, make sure to wash your hands thoroughly before touching any flat, non-porous surface that you share with others.

For more protection, place green sanitizing wipes and liquid hand sanitizer in public areas, or near high-use/high-contact surfaces, such as conference rooms, copy machines, kitchens, and water dispensers.

See Also:


Office Cleaning Checklist

An office cleaning checklist, whether app-based or traditional, will reduce management oversight tasks and ensure everyone knows what they're assigned duties are, and what tasks remain to be completed.

A popular trend in homes, schools, and businesses has been to engage the entire family, student body, or workforce to improve the overall health and wellbeing of all involved, as well as reduce time and costs associated with more conventional cleaning norms.

Gamification and incentivizing positive behavior have been shown to significantly increase the participation in such programs, as well as having demonstrated a direct correlation to an improved worker and student performance.

According to a study published by Old Domain University;

Considering evidence found for the general motivational aspects of this system, this study also promotes the idea that gameification could be used to support learning activities in the workplace.

The creation of a training-focused SNS may furthermore be able to contribute to a culture of organizational learning, potentially quite valuable at a time when self-directed learning is becoming increasingly critical for organizational success.

-The Psychology of Gamification in Undergraduate Education and Employee Training



Make sure your list covers items that need to be cleaned, as well as a breakdown of when tasks need to be completed, and who is assigned to them.

Post the checklist in a place where everyone will see it, and make sure to hold responsible parties accountable for their personal messes, as they affect far more than their immediate sphere.

See Also:


Green office cleaning services afford your school or business a healthier place to work and learn for all involved while eliminating the use and disposal of the dangerous toxic chemicals used in commercial cleaning products.

Recent industry-focused research, as well as significant improvements made in relevant technologies, has provided us with the opportunity to positively affect the safety and wellbeing of the world around us for substantially less than it would cost to continue down our current, perilous course.

With the proper incentive, studies have shown people will make the socially and eco-friendly choice in purchasing, sustainability, and waste management practices.

If you would like to learn more about the advantages of green office cleaning services for your business, contact us today for a free quote!

In Bakersfield CA, call (661) 395-3009

In Fresno CA, call (559) 473-1790

Vanguard Cleaning Systems of the Southern Valley

Vanguard Cleaning Systems of the Southern Valley