Cleaning Services Tips for College Students

Cleaning Services Tips for College Students

Check out our latest cleaning services tips for college students living in a dorm, or sharing an apartment with friends, and how to avoid the buildup of germs and bacteria that can affect indoor air quality, sleep, and performance.

Cleaning Services Tips for College Students and Dorms - Valencia CA

Cleaning Services Tips for College Students & Dorms

College, one of the most challenging rights of passage in a young person's life, is difficult enough without trudging through the day, sick and half-awake.

Illness and sleeplessness/daytime-sleepiness plague college students across the country, affecting their academic performance and after-college prospects.

While numerous factors could potentially contribute to the problem, including scheduling and study habits, external environmental factors, such as the cleanliness of the dorm or apartment, maybe adding unnecessary pressures to student health, such as;

  • Unnecessary or excessive exposure to illness-causing germs and bacteria, and;
  • Poor indoor air quality, which has been tied to poor sleep patterns and apnea.

Sick students typically do not perform well academically, leading to additional, unnecessary mental and physical stress, which in turn feeds the sleeplessness cycle, further damaging personal health.

Fortunately, there are several cost-effective steps students, faculty and universities can take to improve indoor environmental health and student performance significantly.



Sleep & Indoor Air Quality

The bonds between personal health and adequate sleep have been well documented.

Air pollution actually affects one of the most important human activities – sleep.

[sic]...air pollution also increases the risk of poor sleep and sleep-disordered breathing such as apnea.

People who have sleep apnea or kids with asthma are more vulnerable to breathing problems.

This creates a domino effect: Poor indoor air leads to poor sleep.

Poor sleep weakens the immune system, leaving both adults and kids vulnerable to a host of illnesses.

How does indoor air quality affect sleep?

As has the correlation between consistently poor sleep and student performance.

According to Nature and Science of Sleep;

[sic]...there is a significant personal and societal cost of college both in terms of time and money.

For optimal return on the investment of time, effort, and money, students need to maximize their learning, academic, and personal growth.

Sleepiness from any cause can compromise these goals, through impact on learning, memory, grades, perception of effort, driving performance, and mood.

Causes and consequences of sleepiness among college students


Germs & Dorms

Germs and bacteria cause disease and poor indoor air quality, negatively impacting student health and performance.

A recent study performed by NSF International examined student homes for four common types of germs:

  • E. coli.
  • MRSA.
  • Coliforms, and;
  • Yeast and mold.

The investigation discovered six prominent area's within the student's residence containing the germs, most of which the students could not identify in a survey preceding the inspection.

  • Dish sponges.
  • Shower/tub drains.
  • Kitchen sink drains.
  • Shower heads.
  • Kitchen faucet handles, and;
  • Coffee makers

For More Information:


Students Earn a "D" for Disgusting.

Image courtesy of NSF International.


Green Cleaning Tips

To eliminate illness-causing germs and bacteria, as well as improve indoor air quality that affects student sleep--both factors negatively impacting academic performance--take the following, cost-effective measures:

  • Fresh Air - Students spend a significant amount of time indoors, in close contact with others, especially in dorms.  This can lead to heightened levels of exposure to germs and bacteria, as well as over-exposure to indoor ozone and pollution, which negatively impacts sleep.  Where possible, open doors and windows to allow fresh air to flow through, improving air quality, and reducing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the atmosphere.  Additionally, fresh air will reduce indoor humidity, decreasing the environmental requirements for the rapid growth of bacteria, mold, and mildew.
  • Clean Up - Busy schedules can lead to forgotten chores.  If left too long, neglected cleaning tasks can lead to the toxic buildup of infectious disease, as well as other microbes that can affect respiratory systems, induce asthma, and exacerbate apnea.  Establish and enforce a strict cleaning schedule that focuses on high-contact surfaces, and heavy-use, shared facilities, such as restrooms.
  • Go Green - One of the most significant contributors to VOCs and poor indoor air quality are consumer cleaning products and air fresheners.  The easiest way to avoid this trap is to establish purchasing guidelines that enforce the requirement for Green Seal certified solvents and sanitizers.  Replace all sponges and cotton or cloth towels and mops with microfiber alternatives to avoid bacterial buildup on cleaning supplies.  Any perceived additional cost or investment will quickly be recovered in the reduction of energy and water consumption, as well as student well-being.



Germs, bacteria, and other microbes can cause disease and negatively impact the health and safety of an indoor environment.

Since most students spend so much time indoors in close proximity to others, they are at risk of heightened exposure to infectious disease and VOCs, which studies have shown will negatively affect sleep cycles and mental and physical health.

A simple, cost-effective migration from current cleaning products and practices can have a tremendous impact on students wellbeing, and perception of workload, relieving them of unnecessary stress.

If you would like to learn more about the advantages of green cleaning services for your school, dorm, or business, contact us today for a free quote!

In Bakersfield CA, or Santa Clarita CA, call (661) 395-3009

In Fresno CA, call (559) 473-1790

Vanguard Cleaning Systems of the Southern Valley

Vanguard Cleaning Systems of the Southern Valley